
To make a referral, physicians, family and patients can call 24 hours, 7 days a week at (518) 725-4545. Your call will be answered by our staff and returned as soon as possible.

Although a physician is required to admit someone into hospice services, referrals may be made by anyone familiar with the individual, including family members, friends, healthcare providers, social service agencies, or individuals themselves.

Upon inquiry, a hospice professional will meet with anyone interested in learning more about our extensive services. This informational visit will be scheduled at the convenience of the patient or caregivers and is a free service.



Physician’s Quick Guide

Ask Yourself:

  • Do you expect that your patient has a life expectancy of six months of less?
  • Does the patient have a terminal illness? Clues to a six month (or less) life expectancy (one or more of the following):
  • Rapid decline in function
  • Multiple hospitalizations/ER visits in the past 12 months
  • One or more life-threatening infections in the past six months
  • Decreased food and fluid intake
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Malnutrition or recurrent dehydration
  • Aspiration with swallowing
  • Poor quality of life
  • Desire to stop life-prolonging treatments
  • Decline associated with several significant co-morbid conditions

Honored to serve you in our home or yours.