A heartfelt welcome to Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care (MVHPC) and the Nancy Dowd Hospice House (NDHH). Initially I planned to write a different letter for patients, staff, and board members. However, we are all here for the same reasons:
Quality of Life. Collaborative team care. Appreciation for diversity of thought. Value-based leadership. Compassionate, respectful interactions. Listening beyond the words to truly understand each other.
These are just a few elements of the shared vision at MVHPC.
If you are joining us as a patient or family member, we are committed to making you feel at home, alleviating as much anxiety and discomfort as possible. We are here to carry out your wishes to the best of our ability, as professional caregivers with your best interest at the center of our daily work. Please partake of our many specialized services and experts, including licensed social workers, bereavement counsellors, registered & licensed practical nurses, chaplaincy, massage and aroma therapists, and more. You may even see an occasional pet therapist visiting our campus.
If you are joining MVHPC as a new or returning team member (which includes our invaluable Volunteers!), we are committed to providing you with the resources, education, and guidance to be successful in your role. Hospice care is a calling but can also be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually demanding. We will remind you to take care of yourself as you share this unique journey with our patients and their families.
If you are serving MVHPC as a board member, you are the most valued of volunteers. Our interdisciplinary team pledges to keep you informed and engaged. We are committed to tapping into your talents, while providing opportunities that best meet your interests and skills.
During my first visit to campus, I told the team I could think of no more humbling experience as a leader than to work alongside and support the mission of the unique caregivers at MVHPC. I continue to feel that way today. Going to work each day feels a bit like coming home. I hope you will feel the same.
Kara Ulasewicz Travis
President & CEO
Honored to serve you in our home or yours.