Clayton Sitterly, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mountain Valley Hospice, has announced that Susan Frasier of Johnstown has been promoted to CEO effective July 11th.   She currently serves as the Director of Clinical Services and Chief Operating Officer at Mountain Valley Hospice, a position she has held since 2011.  Frasier replaces current CEO Donn Diefenbacher who will be leaving to accept employment closer to his Utica area home.

“MVH is fortunate to have Susan appointed as our CEO. Her resume, commitment to the Hospice mission, its staff and their full support brought us to this decision.  She will formally take over the reins when her predecessor is scheduled to leave in July,” said Sitterly.


“Don leaves us well-positioned to effectively meet the challenges brought about by the many changes in health care delivery, accountability and management.  We are confident that the transition will be a smooth one,” added Sitterly.

Prior to serving as Clinical Director and COO at MVH, Frasier was the Patient Care Supervisor at Community Hospice in Amsterdam.  She holds an AAS degree in Nursing from Fulton Montgomery Community College and a Diploma in Legal Studies from Central City Business Institute in Syracuse.Susan Frasier

Mountain Valley Hospice is a community based, not-for-profit agency founded in 1988. In providing care to persons with life-limiting illnesses, the goal of hospice is to alleviate symptoms—physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social—enabling patients and families to concentrate on living as comfortably and fully as possible. Patient centered care allows control to remain with the patient and those supporting them. Mountain Valley Hospice provides care that is palliative, holistic and supportive.